feeling love

Feeling love

Holidays can be tough

Since Barry’s dementia diagnosis, holidays have been pretty tough. This Christmas, I felt alone and overwhelmed because Barry needs a lot more care now. I worry all day about what he is doing at home while I work. I know he needs more days at the Adult Day Care
Center, but we can’t afford it.

Then help arrived

I was surprised and thankful to receive a gift of money collected for us by a number of people in our Good Samaritan Church congregation. The amount is enough to add a second day a week for Barry to attend Adult Day Care for a month. This could take us to February, and by then he might be granted medical assistance.

On Christmas Day, I opened an envelope that was delivered to one of my publishers. It was an anonymous gift of money. With this, Barry can attend a third day each week for a month. Or it could help with a move into assisted living when I decide he needs it.

I am profoundly thankful and humbled by all your kindnesses! I hope someday I can pay it forward to someone else who needs help.

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11 comments on “OUR JOURNEY
  1. Beth-Ann says:

    Glad that there are truly generous people in your life!

  2. Laurie says:

    Nancy – so happy to hear there are good people around you. And as far as paying it forward, I think you already have for all the children you have touched with your books – to become readers. To all the kids who have become excited about reading , or getting up after falling, or thinking about not being a bully, or liking them self for who they are, for thinking big, for loving their families- and loving learning- oh yes… Don’t worry about paying it forward, dear friend, you are one of those great people who have been doing that all along. And , as a mom of kids of those books- I thank you. 🙂

  3. Mary Swank says:

    This is awesome and wonderful news Nancy! What difficult, yet blessed times!

  4. Jean Jaeger says:

    So Nancy…I have never met you but I feel like I know you. Today my thoughtful son delivered to me the doodle picture you drew of the dog in bed with the mom (ME!). I was so proud of him for figuring this out and then having it framed for me. A true treasure that I will hang in my bedroom! Thank you, thank you.

    You are a strong woman and you will know when your husband needs more help. Thank goodness for generous friends. The daycare will save you. You have so many friends rooting for you and offering support. I love that they are understanding your situation and want to help. Keep drawing and making those kiddies smile. JMJ

  5. Dana says:

    I second what Laurie said! Your books aren’t just a treat for kids but for adults, too. I have spent many happy hours in motherhood and now grandmotherhood reading your books to the kids I love (they are a blast to read aloud – they really lend themselves to dramatic interpretation!) and soaking up the fabulous drawings. Your words and your art never fail to lift my spirits. Thank you, Nancy!
    (Tonight is a Harriet and Walt kind of night, don’t ya think?)

  6. Dana says:

    I second Laurie’s comment. Your books aren’t just a treat for kids but for adults, too. I have spent many happy hours in motherhood and now grandmotherhood reading your books to the kids I love (they are a blast to read aloud – they really lend themselves to dramatic interpretation!) and soaking up the fabulous drawings. Your words and your art never fail to lift my spirits. Thank you, Nancy!
    (Tonight is a Harriet and Walt kind of night, don’t ya think?)

  7. Kim says:

    I agree! You’ve been paying it forward all along…without even knowing it, it seems, which is the best way to do it!
    So happy to hear the news! God is certainly faithful!!

  8. Jeanne Aurelius says:

    Dear Nancy, Your are an amazing strong woman. YOur art is so heart felt. We are forever grateful for you and your books which have delighted our daughters and everyone who reads your books…. you have paid it forward your whole career. Now we want to give to you.
    Take care. Sending prayers and love to you and Barry.
    . Jeanne and David Aurelius

  9. Bette Ashcroft says:

    Nancy, you’ve been paying it forward for many years. You are loved!

  10. Luanne Lescarbeau says:

    Your many friends have gotten it exactly right!! You have already “paid it forward.” My oldest grandchildren were given some of your signed books as gifts from your niece Kay when they were born, and when I told them of the journey you are now on, they agreed that you have already impacted so many people that you may never even know. I see comments on your daily facebook offerings, many from people I have known in education, They all feel the same way about you that I do. Keep on keepin’ on. It’s what people like you do.

  11. Carolyn Olson says:

    I’m glad to hear there was a bright side to your Christmas. You deserve help and as others have said, you don’t need to pay it forward; you’ve done so much for others through your wonderful books. I believe your life will get easier. I pray for you and Barry daily.

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