1. Beth-Ann says:

    Thanks for sharing the scary time-Please remember many of us walkers are at least as nice as the check cashers and can sometimes help!

  2. Lynn says:

    Thanks for sharing your stories Nancy! FYI…I teach at your former elementary school and all my kindergartners know you went there. We love your books and always read them!

  3. joe Nathan says:

    We are with you, Nancy – many, many of your admirers and fans.

  4. Barbara says:

    Blessings to you for sharing your journey with us, Nancy. Charlotte came into your life at just the right time, eh! Just as that teller did, too.

    From a big fan…just gave my 33 y/o daughter (in her Christmas bag) ” Harriet’s Halloween Candy” signed by you many years ago. It took me a long time to give that book up……and it was to my daughter….. now she has a 4y/o daughter. Over-due time to give them the joy of reading it together and seeing Harriet turn green…..

  5. carol kellogg says:

    Nancy I have looked up to you. You are such a free spirit and I also was in the same place you were up I got and remember that they can take away the physical things but can not away your family.I’m thinking you and know that it will get better.

  6. Mary Glendening says:

    We had a powerful message this morning on the Beatitude of Blessed are the poor in spirit. Our pastor mentioned individuals who from time to time come to the door of the church needing a little cash to put gas in the car, or pay the rent, or get a meal. Often they come with heads down, fear in their eyes from being turned down before, wondering how did this happen to them. Your blog about going to the banks and check cashing places came to my mind. But then our pastor told about the blessing Christ had been to the paralyzed man brought by friends, and how Jesus asked the tax collector to his home and included him. Those two must have been poor in spirit until Christ opened his heart and hands to them. I thought of you. Perhaps you must find yourself “down in spirit” with all that you have been through and then I think what a blessing you have been to thousands of children and teachers. Now some children can say I Like Me, others can accept themselves for not being able to sit still, others will share willingly, etc. etc. etc. Thank you for blessing my students and my life.

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