The Hike

I was excited to hike at Cascade River on the Superior Hiking Trail near Lutsen. I remembered when Barry and I hiked it years ago with our friends, the Duffys. It was June 1980 and Joe, Patsy and I had finished running Grandma’s Marathon the day before. We decided to stay and relax for a couple of days before heading home. I remember it being hard to hike on sore, stiff legs after the race. But it was fun, and we did not get lost. That evening we went dancing at Lutsen Resort. Ahh, to be in my 20s again!

cheer leaders

cheer leaders


Barry was my cheerleader

Now years later, I was hiking the same trail, trying not to get lost. But I was so deep in memories that I got turned around again. But it was okay. It felt good to remember all the fun trips we had with friends like the Duffys. I also thought about Barry riding his bike alongside me, cheering me on at the finish of the marathon. “You’re almost, almost there. You can do it!”

Barry was always proud of everything I did. When we were at book events, he called himself Mr. Nancy Carlson. He was my biggest cheerleader. Now each day as we move forward with this awful dementia, I have to remember all the times he was there for me. It can be really hard now when Barry doesn’t ask about what I am working on. And it’s hard when he gets angry at me for asking him not to shower at 3:00 a.m.! He doesn’t even know about the 60 hikes I am currently making in commemoration of my 60th

Today I was glad I was lost long enough to remember some of those fun times. Once again, I found a road — Highway 61 — after ending up in someone’s yard. Iwalked along the highway to my car.

If getting lost is an art, I am an old master at it!

Cascade River

Cascade River


Cascade River State park http://www.superiortrails.com/cascade_river.html

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9 comments on “HIKE NUMBER TEN
  1. Highway 61 — on your way to 61, and many many more! You can do it, Nancy; I know you can do it! Your fan, Jane

  2. John Dudley says:

    Having a background in manufacturing and being in the position of Production Supervisor of Manager, I describe myself as a “cheerleader”. Because I have had good supervisors and not so good supervisors. I try to emulate the good ones as best I can and goo the extra mile if I can.

  3. Nina Crittenden says:

    I have always admired you, Nancy. Now, even more so! You are amazing! xo Nina

  4. Keep putting one foot in front of the other!

    It’s good to remember and I think that you are doing some of your grieving ahead of time. I did. I believe it helps.

  5. Carolyn Olson says:

    Hang in there, Nancy. You are a wonderful artist/author; I’ve admired you for many years and am looking forward to your new book. Keep hiking! You and Barry are in my prayers.>

  6. Jean Housh says:

    You are an amazing woman and I’m cheering you on. I am dealing with similar issues as my spouse has some form of Parkinson’s disease. We should email. I think this response to you is public — if you want to email confidentially, I can be reached at: jeanspielmanhoush@yahoo.com.

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