Barry has a lot of new pals to hang out with now. I’m getting to know them as well. Photos from younger days with wives and kids hang outside their doors. It is a good reminder of what their lives were before dementia or Alzheimer’s took them away from family and friends. I am getting to know the guys who try to jump on the elevator with me when I leave. One tells me about the old country and another, who I call “Silent Larry,” seldom speaks and sometimes walks up and down the halls with Barry. Barry has learned everyone’s name — a skill he has always had. He never forgot a name!

barry head books

Barry head books

As a matter a fact, when our son Pat was in town recently and we were trying to remember the parents’ names of one Pat’s old ski buddies, we asked Barry and he remembered the name right away! This special skill has stayed with the man who now can’t brush his teeth or get dressed by himself.

Still promoting after all these years

One morning when I arrived to see Barry, an aide said, “Hello!” She asked if I was Nancy Carlson and said many of the staff know and love my books.I was rather confused about how they would know about me. Later, Barry’s social worker told me that Barry has been walking around saying, “ is coming to see me.” She added that she read my books when she was young! It seems that everyone has been visiting my website now because that is how Barry says my name — He walks around all day saying it until I arrive!

I guess even with dementia, Barry is still working to promote me. I have had quite a few extra visitors to my website this past month! Good job Barry!

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6 comments on “BARRY’S JOURNEY No. 14
  1. Beth-Ann says:

    How wonderful that you can appreciate these tiny gifts from Barry!

  2. Laurie says:

    A whole new audience for you! Like Donald Trump says- there is no bad press. !! And this way they know exactly where to go! Bring you pens next time!! He’s still a gift.

  3. Jeanne Hammen says:

    I love your books,too, Nancy. And I love reading this blog. My mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s and has moved their blocks from our home in Grinnell. Your blog gives me hope.

  4. Shirley Barnes says:

    What a wonderful gift, love these updates,
    Blessings to all of you.

  5. Jim and Kay Griggs says:

    Always love to hear news about Barry. He sounds like he in a good place right now.
    You are always in my prayers Nancy as I don’t know of any one who has more courage.Love you lots!

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